California Balsamic

California Balsamic vinegars are SOS-free. They have many different and delicious flavors that are so versatile and great on anything (salads, wraps, bowls, grains, pasta, veggies, fruit, etc.). A little bit goes a long way. PBNSG staff love California Balsamic vinegars and continue to be repeat customers since we found them a few years ago, since their balsamic vinegars are perfectly whole food plant-based compliant and just wonderful. California Balsamic has other products on their website also, but the balsamic vinegars are those that follow the PBNSG guidelines.

To place an order from California Balsamic, click on the Order Here link below. PBNSG friends and followers can use a NEW Special Offer and receive 1 free 1.6 ounce sample size bottle ($6 value) and 1 free 3 ounce travel bottle ($10 value) with any $60+ (BEFORE SHIPPING) order of balsamic vinegar only. When placing a $60+ order for balsamic vinegar, type PBNSG in the Order Notes box on the checkout page, and let them know which flavor of vinegar you would like to receive for the sample size bottle, and which flavor of vinegar you would like to receive for the travel bottle. Any flavors of balsamic vinegar can be chosen for the bonus bottles, which will be sent with your order shipment.

Note: Please be sure to type PBNSG in the order note and check that the note is written as you want it BEFORE completing check-out, as leaving the checkout page after typing can sometimes clear your order note.


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