Plant Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG) Document Retention and Destruction Policy

Effective Date: 8/15/2024

Approved by: Board of Directors

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Document Retention and Destruction Policy is to provide guidelines for the proper retention and destruction of documents and records of Plant Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG) in compliance with legal, regulatory, and organizational requirements. This policy ensures that PBNSG maintains necessary records for operational, legal, and historical purposes and disposes of outdated or unnecessary documents in an appropriate manner.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all physical and electronic documents generated, received, or maintained by PBNSG, including those by employees, volunteers, board members, and contractors. It includes all records regardless of format, including paper, digital files, emails, audio recordings, and other forms of documentation.

3. General Guidelines

a. Storage of Documents:

Documents should be stored in a secure location that is protected from unauthorized access, loss, damage, or theft. Electronic documents should be backed up regularly and stored securely.

b. Access to Documents:

Access to sensitive or confidential documents should be limited to individuals who require it for legitimate business purposes. Permissions should be managed to prevent unauthorized access.

4. Retention Schedule

PBNSG will retain documents according to the following schedule, which is consistent with legal requirements and best practices:

Corporate Records:

Articles of Incorporation: Permanent

Bylaws and Amendments: Permanent

Meeting Minutes of the Board and Committees: Permanent

Annual Reports to the Secretary of State/Attorney General: Permanent

Corporate Resolutions: Permanent

IRS Application for Tax-Exempt Status (Form 1023): Permanent

IRS Determination Letter: Permanent

State Sales Tax Exemption Letter: Permanent

Financial Records:

Audited Financial Statements: Permanent

General Ledgers and Journals: 7 Years

Bank Statements and Reconciliations: 7 Years

Expense Records: 7 Years

Invoices: 7 Years

Investment Records: 7 Years after Disposal

Payroll Records: 7 Years

Tax Records:

Tax Returns (Federal, State, and Local): Permanent

Tax-Exemption Documents and Related Correspondence: Permanent

IRS 990 Filings and Related Documents: Permanent

Grant Records:

Original Grant Proposals: 7 Years after Completion

Grant Agreements and Reports: 7 Years after Completion

Human Resources Records:

Employee Personnel Files: 7 Years after Termination

Employment Contracts: 7 Years after Termination

Payroll Records and Summaries: 7 Years

Employee Benefit Plan Documents: Permanent

Volunteer Records: 7 Years after Involvement

Legal and Contracts:

Contracts and Agreements: 7 Years after Termination

Legal Correspondence: Permanent

Litigation Files: 7 Years after Settlement

Donor Records:

Donor Acknowledgment Letters: 7 Years

Donor Records and Correspondence: 7 Years

Electronic Records:

Emails Related to Business Matters: 3 Years

Electronic Documents (Word, Excel, PDFs): Follow retention schedule for equivalent paper documents

5. Destruction of Documents

a. Regular Destruction:

Documents that have reached the end of their retention period should be destroyed in a manner that ensures the confidentiality of sensitive information. Paper documents should be shredded, and electronic documents should be deleted and overwritten where possible.

b. Litigation Hold:

If PBNSG is involved in litigation or government investigation, all relevant documents (including those scheduled for destruction) must be retained until the matter is resolved and the hold is lifted.

c. Documentation of Destruction:

A log of destroyed documents should be maintained, detailing the type of document, date of destruction, and method used.

6. Responsibility

The Executive Director or a designated staff member is responsible for implementing this policy and ensuring that document retention and destruction practices are carried out in compliance with this policy. They are also responsible for educating employees, volunteers, and board members about the policy.

7. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors to ensure compliance with changing legal requirements and best practices. Updates or modifications to the policy will be made as necessary.