Let us introduce ourselves..

PBNSG empowers all who want to optimize their health by following a whole food plant-based lifestyle!

In February of 2014, we held our first Plant-Based Nutrition Support Group meeting. We thought 20-40 people would be a great showing, 123 people attended! The following month, we held our second meeting and thought there would be a significant drop off of participants, but we were wrong! We again had over 100 people attending, 40 of whom were new. In both April and May 2014, we continued to grow and as of 2024, we have over 10,000 subscribers!

When COVID-19 impacted the world in 2020, we implemented a first of its kind virtual plant-based community to continue helping those in need of support with this lifestyle and to build a relationship building platform, and it was such a success we decided to pivot into into a 100% virtual setting!

The reason why WE at Plant-Based Nutrition Support Group use the word "plant-based," rather than "vegan," is because vegan does not necessarily mean healthy. Vegan can also mean potato chips and licorice. To us, optimal health and disease prevention for our families is through real food and simple ingredients.

Looking for a Diabetes support group?

A message from our Diabetes Support Group Host!

What is included in our platform?